Founders Story
In the late 1980’s west Plano, Texas, was just developing. During that time Patrick Adam’s son, Chris, started as a Tiger Cub at Huffman Elementary School (near the intersection of Dallas North Tollway & Plano Parkway). It was quickly discovered by the adults in the Pack that Patrick Adams was an Eagle Scout, so he was asked to serve as the Cubmaster for the Pack, which he accepted.
After two years, Patrick received a call from the then District Executive, Bart Green, asking Patrick to start a pack at Mitchell Elementary School (near the intersection of Dallas North Tollway and Frankford Rd).
A couple of years later, when it came time for Chris Adams to bridge over to Boy Scouts, there were no Boy Scout troops in the West Plano area. It was in the year 1993, Patrick Adams went to the Circle Ten Council office and spoke with Billy Gamble, the Scout Executive at that time, and requested the Troop number 1776, which was available and reserved for the new troop.
Understanding the responsibility of being a Scoutmaster, Patrick immediately signed up for Wood Badge training, which at that time was only offered once a year in the Circle Ten area.
As the Troop also need a Chartered Organization, Doug Sims, the first Committee Chairman of Troop 1776, organized the Parents of Troop 1776. There was 5 boys that were part of the newly organized Troop 1776.
Next, the troop needed a place to meet. After a thorough search, the Troop found a meeting place, which was in the basement of Plano Presbyterian Hospital—near the Dallas North Tollway and Plano Parkway, in west Plano.
As the majority of the Scouts in the troop were swimmers with City of Plano Swimmers, the Troop met on Sunday afternoons to accommodate the schedules of the boys.
It was in early 1994 where Patrick Adams received a call from Don Wendell. Don had learned that Patrick had started a troop the year prior, and was interested in meeting with Patrick to get advice on forming a new Troop in east Plano. Patrick suggested to Don that he would move Troop 1776 to the east side of Plano, which he did. The original meeting place in East Plano was at Legacy Bank in the downtown area of Plano. Don Wendell brought about 20 boys with him to join Troop 1776.
As Patrick was a strong believer in training, he encouraged Wood Badge training for the other adult leaders of the trop. The leadership responded, by Gary Carter, John Like, Don Wendell & Chris Moore attending Wood Badge.
Patrick’s goals as Scoutmaster were-
- Wood Badge training for the adults
- Continuation of service by the adults in Scouting at the district and council level
- Offering a great Scouting program, which included Jamborees and the High Adventure Camps
- Encouraging the boys to staff at the Circle Ten Council summer camps
In the year 2006, after three years of service as Scoutmaster by Patrick Adams, Don Wendell took over as the second Scoutmaster of the troop.
Many of the goals and traditions established by the founding Scoutmaster, Mr. Adams, continue to this day. The Troop still meets on Sunday afternoons, to accommodate not only the schedules of athletics in the Troop but also the many involved boys in whatever their weekly activities may be. The Troop finds this works well in avoiding school and activity conflicts.
The Troop continues to meet in east Plano (actually on property that straddles the Plano / Richardson city line, but certainly on the east side).
The Troop still encourages, and has a significant number of Wood Badge trained adult leaders.
The Troop continues to offer a strong program, including significant involvement in High Adventure Camps and Jamborees.